Why You Need A Coach To Boost Your Hairdressing Business

As a freelance hairdresser, you have a unique set of skills that can help you build a successful...

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How Self-Reflection Can Earn You More Money

As a hairdresser, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of running a salon or styling hair...

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How Hairdressers Can Prioritise Self-Care

As a hairdresser, you spend most of your day catering to the needs of others. It's easy to forget...

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How Hairdressers Can Manage Stress

As a hairdresser, managing stress is essential for your well-being and productivity. The demands...

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How to implement boundaries to prevent burnout for hairdressers

Can you say that you successfully implement all of the boundaries that you need to prevent...

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Reframe your thoughts to overcome imposter syndrome

Impostor syndrome is a common feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy that can affect hairdressers...

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How To Build Your Self-Esteem In The Salon

As a Freelance Hairdresser, self-esteem and confidence are essential for success and happiness in...

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The Money Tree

The phrase I remember my parents saying most to me as a child was "Money doesn't grow on trees"


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Are you overwhelmed?

Do you find that you get overwhelmed in your small or freelance hairdressing business?

Does this...

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One of the biggest 'problems' with small business owners and freelance hairdressers is...

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