This is Why You NEED to Start Sending a Newsletter Weekly...

Are you still putting off sending a weekly e-newsletter to your customers because your worried about coming across as too sale-sy or pushy and you’ll scare them away?


Well, today I’m here to show you that there is another way… A better way that will create the profits that your product business deserves!


In todays episode I am going to be revealing the 5 benefits of sending a weekly e-newsletter, debunk some common myths and misconceptions that my clients have before I go on to share exactly how you can create your very own!


Watch the brand new FREE MASTERCLASS that I have created especially for you!


 Inside 'The 3 "Hacks"  To Double Your Profits Using Email' you'll discover: 


- How my client doubled her profits in one month

- Why focusing solely on Social Media is NOT going to make you the sales you want

- How to follow up with your customers after they've purchased to solidify the great choice they've made, get reviews and encourage future purchases

- How to encourage 'Lost Customers' to return and continue buying from your business 

- Plus much more!





Ready to Take the Next Step?


If you've got questions or suggestions for future episodes, send me a DMs on Instagram @productcoachsam or Email [email protected]


...Don't Forget  To Watch my BRAND NEW Masterclass 'The 3 "Hacks"  To Double Your Profits Using Email'