The Abundant Business Podcast

The Abundant Business Podcast

Hosted by: Samuel

The podcast that helps product based business owners to create the abundance in their life that they want, need and deserve. Join me as I shine a light on the 4 pillars of success for your product business and show...

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Level Up Your Market Stall: How AI Can Help You Sell More

In this final episode of our 3-part series, host Samuel dives into how AI can boost sales for market stall traders. Whether you sell at farmer’s markets, craft fairs, or flea markets, Samuel shows how a personalised...
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The Future of Online Business: 24/7 AI Customer Support That Wows

In this second episode of our AI series, Samuel Chapman shows you how AI can revolutionise customer support. While you’re sleeping or spending time with family, your AI assistant is hard at work answering questions,...
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AI Secrets to Building Trust and Driving Sales for Your Brick-and-Mortar Business

In this first episode of our exciting 3-part series, product business coach Samuel Chapman dives into the world of Artificial Intelligence—but don’t worry, no sci-fi robots here! We’re exploring how AI can build trust...
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Your Best Product Launch Ever

You’ve got an exciting new product ready to hit the market, but how do you turn that launch into a roaring success and make more sales than you ever thought possible? Well, I’m about to break down the ultimate...
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1 Product = 100K a Year: Here’s How to Do It

Today we’re talking about something that’s as exciting as it is achievable: How to turn just one product into a 100K-a-year powerhouse.   Yep, you heard that right—one product, 100,000k a year in sales.   Sounds like...
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How to Actually Deliver Exceptional Customer Service in Your Product-Based Business

Today we’re diving into a topic that is absolutely crucial for any product-based business looking to thrive in today’s competitive market from online businesses, brick and mortar stores or market stall sellers : What...
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Playing to Win vs. Playing Not to Lose in Your Product Business

Today, we’re going to explore a topic that could totally change the results you achieve in your product based business. We’re going to talk about the difference between playing to win and playing not to lose. Trust...
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Maximising Product Sales Without a Marketing Budget

Today, we’re tackling a challenge that’s probably hit close to home for a lot of you—how to make maximum sales when you can’t afford any marketing. That’s right, we’re talking zero spare cash, just you, your product,...
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Stepping into the Leadership Role Your Small Business Needs

So, you might be running the show for your business, but are you really leading it to the end goal that you want? Today, we’re going to talk about what it means to truly step into that leadership role, the mindset...
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Nurturing & Engaging Your Existing Customers Using Events

So, you've worked hard to build a customer base, and they love your products. But how do you keep them coming back for more? How do you make sure they feel valued, appreciated, and connected to your brand? That’s...
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Attracting New Customers Using Events

Today we’re going to focus on events, workshops and masterclasses and how you can create yours so that you can attract new customers to your product business, gain their trust and share the value behind your business...
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How to Create Stress-Free Marketing This Christmas

 The festive season is coming in fast so today we're going to talk about how to create stress-free marketing this Christmas. I know the holidays can be a crazy busy time, but with the right strategies, you can keep...
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