Unplug and Breathe: Prioritising Self-Care For Business Success

Oct 10, 2023
prioritising self care for business success

Hey, I hope you are keeping well!

I know you're probably busy, in the midst of an exhilarating journey, navigating the world of small business in your first few years. It's an adventure filled with highs, lows, and endless opportunities. But here's the thing: even in this thrilling game towards success, it's essential to hit the pause button from time to time, take a breath, and prioritise self-care.

Let's dive into why self-care matters for you as a small business owner, how reconnecting with your "why" can supercharge your journey, and some practical tips for finding that elusive work-life balance.

Why Self-Care Is Your Business's Best Friend

First things first, I want you to understand that self-care isn't a luxury; it's an absolute necessity. Here's why it should be your best friend on this entrepreneurial rollercoaster (even if you keep telling yourself you don't have the time to stop):

1. Boosts Productivity: Trust me, taking breaks and practicing self-care doesn't slow you down; it fuels your productivity. When you're well-rested and mentally recharged, you tackle tasks more efficiently.

2. Fuels Creativity: Stepping away from your business, even briefly, gives your mind the space it needs to come up with brilliant, out-of-the-box ideas. Creativity thrives when you're relaxed - so go and take the dog for a walk, go outside, just go and step away from doing any work and just be for a short while. 

3. Supports Well-Being: Prioritising self-care isn't just good for business; it's fantastic for your mental and physical health. It's a powerful stress-reducer and burnout-preventer.

4. Strengthens Relationships: Don't forget about the people who matter most to you. Taking time for yourself and loved ones fosters stronger personal relationships, combating the isolation that can sometimes creep in with entrepreneurship.

Reconnecting with Your "Why"

Amidst the whirlwind of running a business, it's easy to lose sight of why you started in the first place. But trust me, reconnecting with your "why" is like rocket fuel for your entrepreneurial spirit. Here's how you can do it:

1. Reflect on Your Initial Motivation: Take a moment to reflect on what inspired you to start your business. How did you want to help your customers?, What problem did you want to solve? What were your dreams and aspirations?

2. Create a Mission Statement: Craft a simple mission statement that encapsulates your business's purpose and values. It'll be your North Star when challenges arise.

3. Set Clear Goals: Define both short-term and long-term goals for your business. Goals provide direction and motivation.

4. Seek Inspiration: Surround yourself with sources of inspiration. Whether it's books, podcasts, mentors, or peers, exposure to fresh ideas can reignite your passion.

Balancing Work and Life

Finding that work-life balance might feel like chasing a unicorn, but it's entirely possible and crucial for your well-being. Here's some practical advice:

1. Set Boundaries: Define clear boundaries between your work and personal life. Set specific work hours and stick to them as closely as possible (and stop making excuses for why you can't).

2. Delegate Tasks: Recognise which tasks can be delegated to lighten your workload. You don't have to do it all alone and you don't necessarily have to have employed staff. You'll be surprised who you have around you that will be willing to help do some small things, but when taken off your plate it will allow you to focus on growing your business. So, just ask them already.

3. Prioritise Self-Care: Make self-care non-negotiable. Schedule regular breaks, engage in physical activity, and practice mindfulness.

4. Quality Over Quantity: Remember, it's not about how many hours you put in; it's about the quality of your work. Efficiency trumps long hours.

5. Connect with Loved Ones: Don't let your business become an island. Spend quality time with friends and family. Their support and companionship are invaluable.


So, as you continue through this journey, always remember that your business thrives when you're at your best. Prioritise self-care, keep your "why" close to your heart, and strike that work-life balance. Your business dreams are worth it, and so are you.

Unplug, take a deep breath, and nurture yourself—because a well-rested and rejuvenated you is your business's best asset. You've got this!