the best business podcast

The Money Tree

the money tree blog

The phrase I remember my parents saying most to me as a child was "Money doesn't grow on trees"

Has anyone ever said that to you? 

The things we are told when we are younger ingrain themselves in to our subconscious and we start to believe them as our own truth


Because that's what we were told??

Do we still truly believe in Santa Claus as adults, just because we were told he was true as children? 

NO! (well, maybe some of you might still do. But mostly, NO)

So what is the issue around money, and why are we, worried about not having enough or scared it will disappear??

"According to the latest brain research everything that you believe in business and life is because of the way your subconscious mind has been conditioned and programmed" - John Assaraf

This means that your financial abundance has to start in your brain and is reflected in your day to day actions. 

So, sadly you will never have anymore money than your subconscious mind has been conditioned to expect. 

So what can you do?

  • This is about realising the potential of what just 20% of your actions can create
  • Knowing that when focused on properly 20% of everything you do will account for more than the remaining 80%
  • Create a plan and understand the reason behind the reason why you want to achieve your BIGGEST goal
  • Chunk down each strategy into small, bite sized, manageable pieces. So that you can avoid overwhelm and continue to work towards your overarching goals, day by day. 
  • Delegate tasks that don't fit within your highest priority so that others can do them for you (and probably do them better)
  • Be kind to yourself - Nothing in life is a super smooth ride, there are going to be road blocks that appear, whether they are in your mind or external factors. Learn from each road block and keep your focus. 

So, can you start to train your subconscious in to truly believing that you can achieve your money dreams?

Are your reasons why BIG enough for you to do what is necessary to start growing your very own money tree?

If you need more help to understand any of the reasons you have yet to reach your 6 figure potential in your freelance hairdressing business and you are committed to striving forwards to reach your biggest goals and dreams, get in touch with me today on Instagram @samuel_chapman_coach_

P.S. Download my FREE Ebooks to get more Top Tips on building your successful hairdressing business below

5 Fears Of A Freelance Hairdresser & How To Overcome Them >>>

7 Ways To Become A Rich Hairdresser >>>