The Power of Community For Product Based Businesses

Aug 01, 2024

No matter where you sell your products from, whether it be online, from your brick and mortar or from a market stall… community is an essential part to building a thriving, profitable product business.


In this blog I’ll be sharing why this is so important as well as tips and strategies that you can implement directly in to your business! 

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So, let’s kick things off with a simple question...


Why is community so crucial for product-based businesses?


It’s because, at the end of the day, people love to feel seen, understood and connected. They want to be part of something bigger, something they can relate to and engage with…


And as a business owner who is trying encourage your perfect customer to part with money for your product, tapping into that can help you build loyalty, boost your sales, and create a sustainable brand.


But how do you do that?


Well, keep reading because I’ve got some fantastic strategies lined up for you and I've broken them down especially for online businesses, brick and mortar businesses and market stall sellers!


Let’s start with our online sellers.


Those of you who sell directly from your own website, or you use a third party host…Building a community online might sound tricky, but it’s all about creating spaces where your customers can connect with you as well as each other.


Think about the brand that you love to connect with and buy from… what makes them stand out to you? Is it because they make you feel like you are a part of something special, that’s more than just buying products? My guess is, yes.. because that’s how I feel too!


So, here’s 3 ways you can do this…and they’re not only restricted to online businesses… all product businesses should be doing these things…


  1. The first is to create a Social Media Groups: Whether you decide to create a Facebook group, a forum on your website, or a dedicated telegram channel all where your customers can share their experiences, ask questions, give feedback. Get insider knowledge, top tips, first access – this space can be anything that you want it to be, because youre in control. Make it great value and make your customers feel listened to, engage with them, and encourage conversations… these are all great ways to create a sense of belonging and keep the conversation going around your products.


  1. The second is to encourage customer-Generated Content: This is where you Encourage your customers to share photos and videos of themselves using your products. Whether they are using them in the way that you promote them or have they found great altenrative uses you can shout about too? Customer generated content allows your future perfect customer to see themselves within your customer base, let them see that your products are for them and imagine themselves using what you have to offer. You can run contests, offer incentives, or simply share their posts on your own social media channels, website, or blog. This not only provides you with valuable content but also makes your customers feel valued and recognised.


  1. The third is to commit to consistent Engagement: And this is a biggie…Don’t just post and ghost. Engage with your audience regularly on your socials in your comments section, and on your reviews. Reply to comments, ask questions, and show appreciation for their support. People are more likely to stick around if they feel heard and appreciated. Remember always put yourself in your customers shoes… how would you feel if you kept trying to engage with a brand (especially a smaller brand) and you never got anything back? Whereas now imagine that brand no only responding but asking you a question to get even more valuable insights from you. Only one of those examples will get a loyal returning customer base that speaks fondly of them wherever they go!


Now, for those of you with physical stores

Community building can take a slightly different approach but is just as impactful… and actually even those of you with online stores could use these too!


Here are 3 ways you can do this…


  1. The first way is to host Local Events and Workshops: This could be anything you want it to be… think about this from 2 angles… attracting new customers and rewarding VIP customers…When attracting new potential customers you should be sharing your business and your products in the best possible light, allowing them to try, engage… and most importantly have their most common objections answered, share the value that your business brings and the benefits that your customers can get form your products and when you provide them with an irresistible offer to buy this will show just how much you care about your customers and encourage them to be one.

If you are  using your event or workshop to reward existing customers this is about bringing your community together with an emphasis on engagement, allowing them to be the first to see something, get access to something and to receive something more than anyone else… This allows your customers to engage with each other and feel like they have found their community and their home.

Both of these are great ways to bring people together, showcase your expertise and your passion and prove why people should come to you over anyone else.


  1.  The second is to Collaborate with Other Local Businesses that serve a similar customer to the one you’re trying to attract. Remember that you shouldn’t be competing with each other, ideally they would provide a product that would enhance yours or work alongside it to provide an even better solution.

Consider Partnering with nearby businesses for joint events or promotions. This not only expands your reach but also strengthens the local business community. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats. So, understand what businesses are about and approach them by sharing how your business and your products can benefit their customers in the best possible way.


  1. The third is to host Customer Appreciation Days: Here is where you can Organise special days where you offer something special for all customers. It could be exclusive previews, promotions, or competitions to your customers base. It’s a simple way to say thank you, make your customers feel special And get them talking about your brand before, during and after your event. Plus this will give you loads to post and talk about on your socials as well as in store.


And for those of you selling at market stalls, 


Building a community can be incredibly dynamic and personal.


Consistent Presence: Once you have found a market that serves your perfect customers, you now need to try to have a consistent presence there. This helps in building familiarity and trust with the regular visitors. People love to buy from someone they know. So you might not get as many buyers in the first instance as they need to get to understand who you are, what you sell and how it can benefit them but when you turn up and keep showing how much value you bring they will begin to buy.


  1. The second is to Engage with Your Customers: Don’t just stand behind your stall and hope people are going to come and have a look. Create an unusual display that will grab peoples attention, get them to come over (and possibly get photos and shares) and Take the time to chat with your customers. Ask for their names, and then use them, make them feel like friends rather than just potential customers. As I said before we all just want to be seen and create connections with people and a friendly conversation can go a long way in building a loyal customer base.


  1. The third is to Create a Memorable Experience: Make your stall visually appealing and interactive. Just like your website or your shop is like opening the door to your world, your market stall should be the same. What you do and how you add value should be the biggest thing that your customer can see as they approach your stall… bigger than your brand name… Hold competitions, Offer samples, demos, or small activities that draw people in and keep them engaged. The more enjoyable the experience, the more likely they are to return and bring friends along. Even better if you can encourage these future customers to walk away with something that directs them to your website, when you’re at the market and how they can contact you. Even if your website doesn’t sell products but it provides a way for customers to part with their email address, to read reviews, and to learn more about why you sell the products that you do and the value they bring to your customers… this all helps in building trust and ensuring that you stand out amongst anyone else.


Actionable Tips:


And as if that wasn’t enough… let’s get into some actionable tips you can implement right away no matter where you’re selling from…


  1. Start a Newsletter: Whether you’re online, offline, or at a market stall, collecting emails and sending out regular newsletters is a great way to keep your community informed and engaged. Share updates, exclusive offers, and behind-the-scenes content to make them feel like insiders. Your weekly newsletter shouldn’t be about constant sales but providing value, behind the scenes and extra benefits.


  1. Use Customer Stories: Share customer testimonials and stories on your platforms. It shows new customers that real people love your products and builds trust in your brand.


  1. Be Authentic: People can spot inauthenticity from a mile away. Be genuine in your interactions and show the human side of your business…. You are a real person with a voice and feelings too! So Share your journey, your challenges, and your triumphs and include your customers in what you're doing so they feel special.



So, there you have it! Community is more than just some buzzword; it’s a powerful tool that can help your product business thrive. Whether you’re engaging with customers online, in-store, or at a market stall, the key is to create meaningful connections and make your customers feel valued and part of something special.


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- Your Business and where you're at right now 

- Your Success and what that means to you 

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- Your timeline and how quickly you want to achieve your goals 

- Your investment and what type of coaching would be most suitable for you 

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