the best business podcast


Procrastination blog

One of the biggest 'problems' with small business owners and freelance hairdressers is procrastination.

Leaving things until the last minute or putting things off because we don't feel particularly inspired to do the task in front of us. 

Is that you... and how does it make you feel? 

If you are saying that you beat yourself up, or a negative thought comes in to your head, have you ever considered WHY you are procrastinating? 

  • It's boring 
  • It's going to take a long time
  • I don't fully understand what it is that I'm supposed to be doing 
  • I find the idea of doing the task a challenge

Yeah, I've had those thoughts too!

I'd put certain tasks off until I had no other choice but to deal with them, and by the point I had made the task so BIG in my head that I dreaded doing it.


The best word I have ever discovered... DELEGATION

I sat down one day and wrote a list of all of the things that I thought I had to do... that I put off and dreaded doing.

The list was longer than I thought it'd be!

Then I went through each task and worked out how I could:

  • Break down the task in to smaller more manageable chunks that could be done over a period of time
  • DELEGATE to an employee who was better placed at completing the task 
  • DELEGATE to an external company who would do the task much quicker than I could

And for the rest, I had a choice:

  • I could change my approach and know that I am bigger than the task ahead 
  • I could ask for help and be taught how to approach the task to make it more manageable
  • Focus on my BIG WHY... Why am I my own boss... Why have I put myself in to the position of being my own boss... 

OR I could:

  • Continue putting them off and becoming more and more miserable, stressed and not looking forward to the day ahead. 

Procrastination has to be understood, when you know why you are doing it and what you can do to overcome it, trust your decisions and put a plan in place... You will realise that YOU HAVE THE POWER! 

 If you're saying 'I still need help' and would like someone to work with daily to help you overcome procrastination and supercharge your business, Send me a message today on Instagram @samuel_chapman_coach_

P.S. Download my FREE Ebooks to get more Top Tips on building your successful hairdressing business below

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