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Are you overwhelmed?

Overhwelm blog

Do you find that you get overwhelmed in your small or freelance hairdressing business?

Does this overwhelm follow you around, whether you are working or in your personal life, something comes along and it doesn't seem to take much for it to take your power.

This can stem from the beliefs that you have put upon yourself, that you feel you must strive to achieve... otherwise you are somehow a failure.

  • I must keep posting on to all social media platforms throughout the day
  • I must reply to every message, email & phone call I get as soon as possible
  • I must keep networking to raise my profile and get more clients
  • I must keep an eye on what everyone else is doing because they must know something I don't
  • I must keep learning all of the new techniques to be the best hairdresser, even if my dream client doesn't need them

PLUS all of the other pressures you put on yourself at home

  • A spotless house before anyone comes over to visit
  • Buying the perfect gifts for family & friends Birthdays & Christmas
  • Ticking every item off your 'To Do' list during a specified time frame

I am overwhelmed just thinking about it all!

So what can you do to put strategies in place that help you to get to the desired result so you can break the habit? 

Because that is what you have done... you have created habits for yourself and put pressure on yourself to achieve them. 

Could you:

  • Focus on your dream client and where they spend their time instead of spreading yourself thinly
  • Automate responses so that your clients know you have received their message and that you will reply within a specified time frame
  • Allocate time within your working day, yes your WORKING day to complete the tasks that need to be done 
  • Focus on what your dream client wants from you and work to enhance those skills

When you can trust that you will get your desired outcome but that the process that gets you there is allowed to be different to your current process is liberating. 

Truly understand what beliefs you have that create your state of overwhelm and the actions you think you should be taking because of those beliefs. 

What triggers the overwhelm?

Now reframe what you think you should be doing to focus on the things that you can do that makes you feel like the successful hairdresser you want to be. 

Know that you are a success, look at what you have achieved this far! 

If you struggle with overwhelm and would like to work with me to help you overcome the patterns that have been created within your mind, get in touch today on Instagram @samuel_chapman_coach_

P.S. Download my FREE Ebooks to get more Top Tips on building your successful hairdressing business below

5 Fears Of A Freelance Hairdresser & How To Overcome Them >>>

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