Which Is a Better Way To Do Business, Online or Brick & Mortar?

Feb 02, 2024
Which Is a Better Way To Do Business, Online or Brick & Mortar?

In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, small business owners are faced with a crucial decision:

Which Is a Better Way To Do Business, Online or Brick & Mortar?

Let's explore the benefits of both options and why a brick-and-mortar store can offer unique advantages that resonate with customers and drive long-term success.

Online Only Small Business

  1. Global Reach: With an online small business, you can reach customers beyond your local area or even your country. This can mean more potential sales but also means more competition. To have success in this area you must really know who you are targeting, what their pain points are and how your products can help them. You must also have amazing customer service, as brick and mortar shops are able to assist with customer questions and offer suggestions in real time, you must also be able to make this happen. 

  2. Lower Overhead Costs: Operating an online-only business can come with lower overhead costs compared to brick-and-mortar stores. You can save on expenses such as rent, utilities, and staffing, as you don't need physical storefronts or employees to manage them. There has been a rise in costs within storage facilities where small businesses would stock their products and where they would be shipped from. There is also the added costs of running adverts and understanding which adverts will best serve your business so that you land in front of your perfect customer, so both these factors should be factored in to your expenses and prices. 

  3. Flexibility and Accessibility: Online businesses offer flexibility in terms of operating hours and accessibility. Customers can browse and make purchases at any time, from anywhere with an internet connection, providing convenience and flexibility for both you and your customers. This does mean that customers may have a question while shopping when you are asleep. You need to make sure that any questions are answered as quickly as possible or work with a VA who would be awake at those times to answer questions for you. 

Brick-and-Mortar Shop:

In-Store Experiences: One of the undeniable, huge benefits of a brick-and-mortar shop is the ability to create immersive in-store experiences that can create emotions by using their customers' senses. From engaging displays to interactive product demonstrations, physical storefronts offer a sensory environment that reaches customers on a personal level. These experiences can leave a long-lasting impression and encourage a sense of connection between the small business and their customers.


Personalised Assistance: Unlike online businesses, brick-and-mortar stores have the advantage of offering personalised assistance and customer service. Staff members are readily available to answer questions, provide recommendations, and address concerns in real-time, face to face. This level of personalised interaction builds trust and loyalty, enhancing the overall customer experience.


Local Presence and Community Engagement: Brick-and-mortar stores contribute to the local communities by providing a physical presence and supporting neighbourhood initiatives or local charities. They are places that where customers can connect with one another and form relationships with the brand as well as the people who work in there. Community engagement encourages loyalty and strengthens brand identity.


The Hybrid Approach:


While brick-and-mortar shops offer unique advantages, embracing online shopping can significantly increase their reach and impact. Many successful small businesses take on a hybrid approach by complementing their physical storefronts with an online presence.

Here's how a brick-and-mortar store can benefit from opening its very own online shop:


Expanded Reach: An online shop enables brick-and-mortar stores to reach customers beyond their local area. By embracing e-commerce, small businesses can tap into new markets and attract customers from different locations. This expanded reach increases brand visibility and revenue potential. As you will already have a local following and reviews to match, you can use these personal experiences as testimonials on your online store to boost trust within customers who may be purchasing from further away online. 


24/7 Accessibility: Unlike traditional storefronts with limited operating hours, online shops are accessible 24/7, allowing customers to browse and make purchases at their convenience. This flexibility accommodates varying schedules, ensuring that businesses remain accessible to a global audience. As with online only small businesses, I would encourage you to find a way to ensure any frequently asked questions are answered and are easily found on your website so that you don't miss out on sales while you sleep. 


Enhanced Brand Exposure: Establishing an online presence increases brand exposure and recognition on a broader scale. When you also start using great digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimisation (SEO), social media marketing, and email campaigns, businesses can elevate their visibility and attract a larger customer base and build trust at the same time.


In conclusion,

The choice between a brick-and-mortar shop and an online business depends on the needs and goals of each small business owner. While brick-and-mortar stores offer amazing, tangible experiences and community engagement, embracing online shopping opens doors to expanded reach and enhanced brand exposure. By adopting a hybrid approach, small businesses can leverage the best of both worlds and position themselves for long-term success. 

It's time for you to have the brick and mortar business that you deserve. 

Book your Free 1-1 call to success today by Clicking Here. We will discuss what has worked, what hasn't worked and why for your business, we will then put together a tailored plan for you to start reaching your goals. 

For more Top Tips or if you have any questions Follow me on instagram @thesamuelchapman

I look forward to hearing from you!