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Reframe your thoughts to overcome imposter syndrome

overcome imposter syndrome for hairdressers

Impostor syndrome is a common feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy that can affect hairdressers and other professionals.

Here are some tips on how to overcome impostor syndrome as a hairdresser: 

1. Reframe Your Thinking: Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. Focus on your strengths and accomplishments instead of dwelling on perceived weaknesses. 

2. Seek Out Knowledge: Continuously learning new techniques and attending workshops or training sessions can help build your technical as well as business skills and experience that will boost confidence. 

3. Take Credit for Your Work: Recognise your skills and take credit for your work. Don't let self-doubt hold you back from showcasing your talents and going for your BIGGEST dreams. 

4. Turn Negative Situations into Positive Ones: Instead of dwelling on negative feedback or mistakes, focus on what you learned from the situation and how you can improve next time. 

5. Know Your Worth: Recognise the value you bring to your clients and the industry as a whole. Don't compare yourself to others or let self-doubt hold you back from pursuing your goals. 

6. Accept Compliments: Listen when people offer you praise or a compliment about your work, and treasure positive client testimonials

Reframing your way of thinking can be a helpful technique for overcoming negative thoughts and self-doubt.

Here are some tips for reframing your way of thinking: 

1. Write Down Your Thoughts: Writing down your thoughts can help you identify patterns of negative thinking and challenge them.

2. Practice Noticing Cognitive Distortions: Every time you experience a cognitive distortion, point it out to yourself. This can help you become more aware of negative thought patterns. 

3. Fact-Check Yourself: Challenge negative thoughts by fact-checking them. Ask yourself if there is evidence to support the thought or if it is just a perception that you have. 

4. Switch from "Is This True?" to "Is This Helpful?": Instead of focusing on whether a thought is true or false, ask yourself if it is helpful or unhelpful. If it is unhelpful, try to reframe the thought in a more positive light. 

5. Positive Reframing: Find the upside in a difficult situation by focusing on positive aspects. This can help shift your perspective and reduce negative thinking. 

6. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones: When you notice an intrusive thought taking over, become intentional about stopping the thought

So the next time you are in the salon or behind the chair and you start to have an attack of imposter syndrome, take some time to breath and go through some of the steps mentioned above to reframe the inner saboteur in your mind so you can gain clarity again.

Should you need further help to overcome imposter syndrome and help you achieve your true potential within your freelance hairdressing business contact me today on Instagram @samuel_chapman_coach_

Until next time, Samuel. 

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