How to Turn One Product Into a 100K-a-Year Business: A Step-by-Step Guide for Product-Based Businesses

Sep 06, 2024

If you’re a product-based business owner, you might be thinking you need a wide range of products to generate substantial revenue. But what if I told you that you can build a thriving, profitable business with just one product?


Yep, just one product can bring in 100K a year!

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Sounds too good to be true? It’s not!


Let’s break it down step by step, and I’ll show you exactly how to focus, refine, and scale that one product into a six-figure revenue stream.


Whether you’re selling eco-friendly yoga mats, handcrafted jewellery, gourmet popcorn and ANYTHING in between, these tips will help you attract more customers, make more sales, and feel more confident about your business decisions.


The Power of Focusing on One Product

Many business owners think that offering more products equals more sales, but that can lead to overwhelm—for both you and your customers. When you focus on one stellar product, you eliminate decision fatigue for your audience and create a more streamlined, profitable business model.

Take Spanx, for example. Founder Sara Blakely didn’t start with a massive collection; she launched with a single, innovative product: footless pantyhose.

She focused on solving a common problem with a unique solution, and the rest is history.

So, what’s the secret to turning one product into a 100K-a-year business? Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Know Your Numbers

The first step to hitting that 100K milestone is understanding your numbers. You need to be crystal clear on your costs, profit margins, and sales targets.

For example, if your product sells for £50, you’ll need to sell 2,000 units to reach £100,000 in annual revenue.

Simple math, right? But knowing these numbers helps you create an actionable plan.

Start by calculating:

  • Cost per unit: How much does it cost you to make each product?
  • Profit margin: Subtract your costs from your selling price to get your profit per unit.
  • Sales targets: How many units do you need to sell each week or month to stay on track?

When you know your numbers, it’s easier to strategise and make informed decisions that lead to profitability.


Step 2: Perfect Your Product

To hit six figures, your product needs to stand out and deliver real value. This isn’t the time to be mediocre. Think about the wants, needs, and desires of your perfect customer.

What problem does your product solve for them? Why is it irresistible?

For example, if you’re selling eco-friendly yoga mats, what makes them special?

Is it the sustainable materials? The unique design? Focus on perfecting those features and clearly communicating their benefits. Remember, a standout product is your foundation for success.

Step 3: Build a Brand That Resonates

Your brand is more than a logo and some pretty colours. It’s the emotional connection you create with your customers. To build a brand that resonates:

  • Share the story behind your product: Why did you create it? What problem does it solve?
  • Use strong visuals and messaging that speak directly to your audience’s desires and values.
  • Make sure every interaction, from your website to your social media, reinforces the same brand message.

A great example is Beardbrand, which started with one product—beard oil. By targeting a specific audience (bearded men) and building a brand identity around their lifestyle, they turned a single product into a successful business.

Step 4: Use Social Proof

In today’s market, social proof is everything. People trust recommendations from others, whether it’s in the form of reviews, testimonials, or case studies. Make it easy for your happy customers to share their experiences. Ask for reviews, create user-generated content, and showcase your best testimonials on your website and social media.

Just getting started? No problem! Offer your product to influencers or early adopters in exchange for honest reviews. Their testimonials will help you build trust with future customers and drive more sales.

Step 5: Master Online Marketing

A solid online marketing strategy is essential for scaling your one-product business. This doesn’t mean you have to be everywhere all at once—focus on the platforms that make sense for your audience. If your perfect customers hang out on Instagram, focus on building an engaged community there. If email marketing is more effective, create compelling email campaigns that keep your audience interested and excited.

Here are a few marketing tactics that work:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): Optimise your website so your product appears when potential customers search for it online.
  • Social media marketing: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok to showcase your product, share behind-the-scenes content, and engage with your audience.
  • Email marketing: Build an email list and send targeted campaigns to your subscribers with promotions, product updates, and valuable content.


Step 6: Leverage Joint Ventures and Partnerships

Want to get your product in front of more eyes without spending a fortune on ads?

Joint ventures and partnerships are the way to go. Look for influencers, bloggers, or other brands that share your target audience and offer to collaborate. This could be in the form of sponsored posts, product giveaways, or even co-branded events.

For example, Huel started as a single meal-replacement product. By partnering with health influencers and leveraging direct-to-consumer sales, they scaled their brand to over $100M in revenue. The key is finding partners who already have the trust of your ideal customer and creating mutually beneficial relationships.


Real-Life Success Stories: Turning One Product Into $100K

Still need some inspiration? Here are a few businesses that turned one product into a six-figure (or more!) revenue stream:

  • The Skimm started with just one daily email newsletter and turned it into a thriving media business.
  • Pipcorn launched with a single product—mini popcorn—and gained popularity for its unique, healthier alternative to traditional popcorn.

These businesses didn’t need a whole catalog of products to succeed. They focused on one great product, and you can too!

Take Your Product to the Next Level

Building a 100K business from one product isn’t just possible—it’s achievable with the right focus and strategy.

By understanding your numbers, perfecting your product, building a resonant brand, and mastering your marketing efforts, you’ll be well on your way to attracting more customers, making more sales, and growing your confidence as a business owner.

Ready to take action?



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- Your Business and where you're at right now 

- Your Success and what that means to you 

- Your Struggles and what's blocking your growth 

- Your timeline and how quickly you want to achieve your goals 

- Your investment and what type of coaching would be most suitable for you 

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Thank you for reading, and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @productcoachsam for more tips and inspiration on growing your product-based business.

Let’s make your next event the best one yet!

Samuel Chapman