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How to Reduce Cart Abandonment | Strategies for Ecommerce Success

Cart abandonment is a common issue for ecommerce businesses, with an average rate of nearly 70% across all industries. This means that a significant number of potential customers are leaving your website without completing their purchase. But why does this happen, and more importantly, how can you reduce it?

In this blog, we’ll explore some key reasons behind cart abandonment and provide actionable strategies to minimise it.

1. Simplify the Checkout Process

A complicated checkout process is one of the main reasons customers abandon their carts. If buyers have to jump through too many hoops to complete a purchase, they’re more likely to give up before finishing.

Reduce the Number of Steps

Minimise the number of pages and fields required for checkout. Ideally, all necessary information should fit on one or two pages.

Guest Checkout Options

Some customers don’t want to create an account before purchasing. Offering a guest checkout option allows them to buy without this added friction.

Autofill and Save Information

Implement autofill features for returning customers, so they don’t need to re-enter details like their address or payment information.

2. Be Transparent About Costs

Unexpected costs, such as shipping fees or taxes, are another common cause of cart abandonment. If a customer is surprised by higher-than-expected costs at checkout, they might decide not to proceed.

Show Total Costs Early

Display shipping costs and taxes early in the checkout process, ideally on the product or cart page, so there are no surprises.

Offer Free Shipping

Free shipping is a huge incentive for customers to complete a purchase. If possible, offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount or as part of promotions.


3. Provide Multiple Payment Options

If customers can’t find a convenient payment method, they might leave without buying. Offering a range of payment options makes the checkout process smoother.

Accept Various Payment Methods

Include options like credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and even buy-now-pay-later services (e.g., Klarna or Afterpay). This ensures customers can pay in the way that’s easiest for them.

Security and Trust Badges

Display trust badges and security certificates to assure customers their payment information is secure.

4. Optimise Your Site for Mobile

With more consumers shopping from their mobile devices, an online store that isn’t mobile-friendly will struggle with cart abandonment. A poor mobile experience can lead to frustration and cause customers to leave before completing their purchase.

Mobile-Responsive Design

Ensure your site is fully optimised for mobile. This means fast load times, easy navigation, and a mobile-friendly checkout process.

Mobile Payment Options

Mobile shoppers prefer quick payments, so include mobile wallets like Apple Pay or Google Pay to streamline the process.


5. Use Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-intent popups detect when a user is about to leave your site and trigger a message aimed at keeping them on the page. These can be highly effective in reducing cart abandonment.

Offer a Discount or Free Shipping

Trigger an exit-intent popup offering a discount or free shipping if the customer is about to leave without completing their purchase.

Highlight the Value:

Use the popup to remind the customer of what they’re about to miss. For example, you could show a message like, “Don’t miss out on [product]—complete your order now!”

6. Send Abandoned Cart Emails

If a customer does leave without completing a purchase, all is not lost. Abandoned cart emails can encourage them to return to your site and finish their purchase.

Time Your Emails

Send the first email shortly after the cart is abandoned, with a reminder about the items left in the cart. Follow up with additional reminders if necessary, perhaps offering an incentive like a discount.

Include a Strong Call-to-Action

Your abandoned cart email should include a clear call-to-action (CTA) such as “Complete Your Purchase Now” or “Your Cart is Waiting for You.”


7. Build Trust with Customers

If customers don’t trust your website or feel uncertain about your brand, they’re less likely to complete a purchase. Building trust is crucial for reducing cart abandonment.

Display Customer Reviews

Positive reviews and testimonials can reassure potential buyers that they’re making the right decision.

Provide Clear Return and Shipping Policies

Make it easy for customers to find information about returns, refunds, and shipping policies, and ensure these policies are customer-friendly.


Cart abandonment can be frustrating, but it’s also an opportunity to improve your ecommerce store and recover lost sales. By simplifying your checkout process, being transparent about costs, offering multiple payment options, optimising for mobile, and leveraging exit-intent popups and abandoned cart emails, you can significantly reduce cart abandonment rates.

Start implementing these strategies today and watch as more visitors complete their purchases, leading to increased sales and growth for your online store.


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