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How Self-Reflection Can Earn You More Money

how hairdresser5s can self reflect to earn more money blog

As a hairdresser, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of running a salon or styling hair for clients. However, taking the time to self-reflect can not only improve your personal growth but also increase your income. In this blog post, we'll explore how hairdressers can self-reflect to earn more money and provide some tips on how to do it effectively.

Tip #1: Assess your strengths and weaknesses

Self-reflection begins with a critical assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. This is an essential step to identify areas where you excel and areas where you could improve. Are you skilled in a particular hair styling technique? Do you struggle with time management or customer service? Once you have identified your strengths and weaknesses, you can focus on building upon your strengths and improving upon your weaknesses.

Tip #2: Evaluate your pricing strategy

Next, evaluate your pricing strategy. Are you charging what your services are worth? Are your prices giving you the profit margins that you need? Are you offering discounts or promotions that are impacting your bottom line? Consider adjusting your prices or promotions to increase your profits.

Tip #3: Consider adding new services or re-packaging old services

Adding new services or re-packaging old services to increase engagement can be an excellent way to attract new clients and increase revenue. Work out what your dream clients want from you and target any new or reimagined services directly to your dream client. These services can help you stand out from your competitors and provide clients with more options.

Tip #4: Improve customer experience

The customer experience is critical in the hairdressing industry. Evaluate the experience you provide to your clients. Are you delivering the best customer experience possible? Are your clients satisfied with your services? Consider walking through your entire client journey from how they find you, to book in with you and exactly what their expeirience will be like during their time and afterwards. The trick here, is that you have to be totally honest with yourself and change the things that don't resonate with your dream client. 

If you have any questions about todays Blog get in touch on Instagram @samuel_chapman_coach_

Until next time, Samuel

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