10 Home Salon Ideas for Hairdressers to Attract More Clients and Boost Their Earnings

Apr 26, 2023
home salon ideas

Are you a hairdresser looking to start a home salon business?

Or perhaps you already have a home salon but want to attract more clients and increase your earnings?

Why starting a home hair salon is good for you - Home Based Salons

If so, you've come to the right place! In this blog post, we'll share 10 home salon ideas that can help you do just that.

  1. Create a Cozy and Comfortable Atmosphere

    When clients come to your home salon, they want to feel relaxed and comfortable. Make sure your salon is clean, organised, and well-lit. Use comfortable chairs and add some soft pillows and blankets to create a cozy atmosphere. Consider adding some plants or flowers to brighten up the space and show your clients that you can give them a personal, yet professional service.

  2. Know Your Niche To Attract The Right Clients

    It's important to know who your dream clients are, so that you can enjoy going to work every single day, and know that anyone visitng your home salon is going to love you, and what you have to offer. Tailor your services to your dream clients, and use imagery and wording that will speak directly to their wants & needs. 

  3. Personalise Your Services

     One of the biggest advantages of a home salon is the personal touch you can offer. Take the time to get to know your clients and their preferences. Offer personalised consultations and create customised hair treatments based on their specific needs. Can you put together different packages that contains high perceived value to your dream clients addressing their wants and needs from you?

    Creating A Hair or Beauty Salon From Home With A SheShed Kitset. - SheShed  NZ & Australia
  4. Use Social Media to Promote Your Business

    Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your home salon business. Create a business page on platforms like Google My Business, Facebook and Instagram, and share pictures and testimonials from satisfied clients. Consider offering irresisitble, welcome incentives or new client packages for new clients who find you through social media. Show them what an experience at your home salon will be like before they've even contacted you. You want to build up as much trust as possible to encourage your future dream clients to make contact with you. 

  5. Know The Hours That Your Dream Clients Would Prefer

     Then block out an hour each day outside of this to work on your business. Don't sit answering messages or doing paperwork after your working hours. Remember that you do not live to work, and that your prices should enable you to work on the clients that you see throughout your day without having to worry about squeezing more clients in or having to work irregular or very unsociable hours. 

  6. Provide Refreshments

     Offering clients a beverage or snack can go a long way in making them feel comfortable and appreciated. Consider offering tea, coffee, or water, and keep some healthy snacks on hand. Always keep in mind what your dream client wants from a service with you, and make sure that you can offer it... consistently! 

    Latest Style: Home Hair Salons - WSJ
  7. Partner with Local Businesses

     Partnering with other local businesses can help you attract more clients. Consider teaming up with a local clothing boutique or spa, and offer joint promotions or packages. Map out the places that your dream clients like to go to and then contact them to see if they could do a joint venture with you! Great things happen outside of your comfort zone, so be brave and start contacting places, and remember always lead with how it will benefit them. 

  8. Create a Loyalty Program

     Rewarding loyal clients can help you build a strong client base. Consider offering a loyalty program that rewards clients with gifts or upgrades after a certain number of visits. Remmeber to use things that will tempt them in more often, after all it costs 7 X more to attract a new client that it does to keep an existing one, so treat them like gold dust and work out how to create more value for them by coming to see you more often. 

  9. Stay Up-to-Date with Trends

    As a hairdresser, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and techniques. Attend conferences and workshops to stay informed, especially when it comes to your niche. Even better, once you have learned new techniques, put it Everywhere! Make sure that your existing and new dream clients know why you are THE EXPERT in your niche and that you are continually updating your skills and knowledge. 

  10. Learn How To Run An Extremely Profitable Business

     If you're looking to take your home salon business to the next level, consider investing in business training and coaching services. Samuel Chapman Coaching offers tailor-made courses that can help you attract more clients and earn more money, no matter what stage of your business you're at. You will learn who your dream client is and how to become a magnet to them, making you the only choice for them! Check out my free resources on my website to get started Here >>

There are many home salon ideas that can help you attract more clients and boost your earnings. By creating a comfortable atmosphere, offering services tailored to your dream client, personalising your packages, using social media to promote your business, knowing your hours and stick to them to prevent stress, providing refreshments, partnering with local businesses, creating an excellent loyalty program, staying up-to-date with trends, and investing in training and coaching services, you can take your home salon business to the next level.

Remember to check out Samuel Chapman Coaching's FREE resources Here >>