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How to implement boundaries to prevent burnout for hairdressers

hairdressers burnout blog

Can you say that you successfully implement all of the boundaries that you need to prevent burnout?

Do you communicate your boundaries clearly to your clients, whether it be to automate responses during your out of hours or to divert phone calls to voicemail when you aren't working?


Do you communicate your boundaries to yourself by putting your phone down when you aren't at work so you can enjoy the life you are working for?

To prevent hair stylist burnout, some strategies that you could use include:

- Reaching out for support when needed, either by talking to a group of close friends who understand you or by having a community of like-minded individuals / other Stylists.

- Finding the value in the work you offer, regardless of your price it should always be seen as being of value to your dream client. 

- Learning how to say "no" to requests outside of work hours or beyond your capacity, It is just not worth it. If you need to earn more money from your hairdressing business, you need to find your dream client and you need to talk to them more clearly, giving them the answers to the questions that they are looking for. When you become the expert to your dream clients, you can then charge more! 

- Creating a good sleep routine and prioritising self-care, Without 6-8 hours of sleep the mental effects include trouble concentrating, as well as problems with memory, learning, creativity and problem solving. Less sleep can also cause impaired decision making, increased risk taking and a higher chance of accidents and errors. None of those issues that occur with a lack of sleep are a good thing to help Freelance hairdressers run their business.

- Taking breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge, So that you can give your best service to your paying clients. When you implement breaks throughout your day it will mean that you wont run behind in to your next clients appointment time, you will have time to eat and drink and you will have the time to sit down and rest your brain and your legs during your day which is completely necessary. 

- Finding ways to express your creativity and learn new skills to revive your passion for the work that you do. As a freelance hairdresser, you should keep on top of training courses for your skills and for your business. As creative people, hairdressers are taught the basic skills required to become hairdressers but these need to be constantly evolving as techniques change and it is important that you are at the top of your creative game to continue being seen as the expert in your field. It is also important to keep updating your business skills so that you know how to run your business efficiently and profitably. 

As a Freelance Hairdresser, it is important to streamline your work, have the right strategies and automations to talk to your dream clients. This will enable you to work the hours you want to work and enjoy the life you want to live.

If you need more help with understanding how to implement boundaries so that you can avoid burnout and run your freelance hairdressing business to earn you the profits you deserve to be earning, get in touch on Instagram @samuel_chapman_coach_

Until next time, Samuel. 

P.S. Download my FREE Ebooks to get more Top Tips on building your successful hairdressing business below

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