How Can My Shop Earn More Money?

Dec 12, 2023
How can my shop earn more money?

In the competitive world of retail, every shop owner should want to boost their revenue and have long-term success. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, discovering effective ways to earn more money is essential to keep your business ahead of your competitors.

In this blog, we'll explore three strategies for you to attract NEW customers in to your shop and three approaches for maximising revenue from existing ones. So let's begin...

Attracting New Customers:

  1. Strategic Flyer Marketing:

    • In a world of sole online marketing, there is a HUGE  gap in the market to get your shop in to your future potential customer's hands!
    • As we all know...attracting new customers begins with increasing your shop's visibility. So this means making sure your future potential customers have as many touch points with your shop's branding as possible.
    • I suggest that you include strategic flyer marketing in to your marketing budget so that you can make the most of reaching your target audience.
    • First, understand where your future potential customers are going, where do they spend their time? Then go to these places and ask if you could put any flyers up, if you can hand them out, or do a door drop in the local area. Partner with local businesses or distribute directly to households to maximise your reach. This is about having your future potential customer to actually see your branding and what you have to offer BEFORE they start seeing any online marketing that you're doing.
    • So now you've got to write the flyer, don't make the same mistake everyone else does and make your logo the BIGGEST part of it... you need to start by asking them a qualifying question to get them to read on... "Are you struggling with...", "Do you need..." ,"Why do you always feel..." Create a BIG headline that your future potential customer will answer YES! to.
    • Now here comes the next biggest part of your flyer... the sub-headline! This should be telling them what you've got to cure their fear, frustration, problem, irritation. 
    • Now you can add engaging imagery but I would suggest keeping it simple, on brand and easy to read.
    • Make sure you include your Call To Action (tell them what to do next), add your logo at the bottom along with your contact details, social media handle, address and opening times. 
    • Hey presto! You are 1 step in front of your competitors by already being in their hands!
  2. Community Events Participation:

    • Active participation in community events can significantly enhance your shop's visibility. Identify local events, festivals, or markets that align with your brand and your future potential customers. Set up a stall in a prominent position to showcase what you have to offer, make it eye catching and show your future potential customers the value and the benefit that you can bring to their lives.
    • Ensure that you engage with attendees and have interactive displays that they can sample some of what you have to offer, have a fun game they can play to encourage them to come over and WIN a prize (if they join your email marketing list) and distribute promotional materials. Building a presence in your community creates connections and draws in future potential customers to your shop. 
  3. In-Store Events and Workshops:

    • Hosting in-store events and workshops creates a unique shopping experience that shows your customers who you are, what your expertise is, and how you can directly benefit them, attracting both new and existing customers. Choose themes that resonate with your future potential customer, such as product launches, educational workshops, or exclusive sales. Promote these events through various online and offline channels, using in-shop posters and flyers, adding a poster to your A-board in the street or put in your window. Also, add promotion on to your social media channels, google my business, and website to encourage foot traffic and increasing the chances of converting attendees into loyal customers.

How to Increase Revenue from Existing Customers:

  1. Loyalty Programs and Personalised Discounts:

    • Implementing loyalty programs and personalised discounts for repeat customers is a powerful strategy to increase revenue from your existing customer base. Recognise and reward customer loyalty with exclusive offers or promotions tailored to their preferences. You can use stamp loyalty cards based on the amount spent at each transaction or simply for each visit. By including a loyalty scheme that rewards your customers with things that they actually want will not only boost retention but also encourages continued engagement and repeat business from your customers. 
  2.  VIP Events:

    • Host VIP events with early access, discounts, or exclusive product launches. Making existing customers feel valued and appreciated enhances their connection to your shop, driving repeat business. 
    • Start advertising your VIP event about 3 weeks prior to the event happening so you can be in the front of mind for your customers. 
    • Add posters around your shop as well as promoting digitally, plus give ways that customers can RSVP so you have an idea of how many people are attending.
    • I have found that charging a small amount for tickets that can be redeemed on the night works well for encouraging customers to actually turn up
    • Have NEW products for sale, giving your customers a sample of them, allowing them to get tactile with them and listen to any of your expert info on how it will benefit them
    • Include irresistible offers that they just can't refuse.
  3. Surprise Gifts or Samples:

    • Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by including surprise gifts or samples in their purchases. This adds an element of delight, giving them a reason to try something new from your shop... making their shopping experience memorable.
    • Encourage your customers to share their positive experiences on social media, creating organic promotion and attracting new customers.

Ready to Take Your Shop to the Next Level?

If you're looking for personalised guidance to boost your shop's revenue, book a FREE 1-on-1 call with me. We'll understand your goals, challenges, and the best strategies to accelerate your success.

Click here to book your call now.

Remember, your shop's potential for growth is limitless – Let's unlock it together!