Show Your Clients Some Love: Personalised Aftercare Videos for Stunning Hairstyles and Glowing Skin!

Aug 06, 2023
How to create salon aftercare videos that make you stand out

Hey, fabulous salon owners!

Want to go the extra mile in pampering your clients and leaving them smitten with your salon services? It's time to send some personalised aftercare love in the form of delightful videos!

Show your clients that you and your salon really cares by creating some videos showcasing how to maintain their stunning hairstyles or glowing skin at home with thoughtful aftercare tips and recommendations that nobody else is doing. 

Get ready to strengthen the client-stylist relationship, boost loyalty, and create a bond that lasts a lifetime!

Why Personalised Aftercare Videos Are Pure Magic!

Get excited about the enchanting benefits of sending personalised aftercare videos to your clients:

  1. Thoughtful Touch: Aftercare videos show your clients that you genuinely care about their happiness beyond the salon visit. It's the thoughtful touch that sets you apart and makes them feel cherished.

  2. Maintain Fabulousness: Clients will love having expert advice on maintaining their gorgeous hairstyles or skincare routines. They'll feel confident, knowing they can keep rocking their look even after they leave your salon.

  3. Strengthen the Bond: Personalised aftercare videos reinforce the client-stylist relationship and build trust. Clients will be eager to return to your salon, knowing they'll always receive top-notch care and support.

Creating Heartwarming Aftercare Videos

Ready to dazzle your clients with personalised aftercare videos? Let's dive into the magic of creating heartwarming connections:

1. Know Your Clients Start by understanding your clients' individual needs and preferences. Ask questions during their salon visit to tailor the aftercare advice specifically for them. Too busy to do this for every client? Simply create an aftercare video for each type of service your salon does and set this up automatically! 

2. Keep It Simple Your aftercare videos should be easy to follow and understand. Use clear language and visuals to demonstrate each step. Simplicity is key to ensuring your clients feel empowered and confident.

3. Personalise the Experience (if you can) Address your clients by name in the video and mention any specific details from their salon visit. This personal touch shows that you've put thought and care into their aftercare tips.

4. Visual Demonstrations Showcase proper techniques through visual demonstrations. Use your phone or a camera to capture each step in action, making it easy for clients to replicate the process at home.

5. Show Product Recommendations If you use specific products during their salon visit, include them in the video and recommend where they can purchase them. This helps clients maintain their fabulous look with the right products.

6. Be Accessible Make sure your clients can easily access their personalised aftercare videos. You can send them through email, text message, or provide a link in their salon account.

Promote Personalised Aftercare Videos

Let's make sure your clients don't miss out on these fabulous aftercare videos!

  1. In-Salon Announcement: Share the exciting news about personalised aftercare videos during your clients' salon visit. Mention it at the end of their appointment, and they'll be eager to watch! (This will also massively increase your Email opt in rates!)

  2. Email Surprise: Send a delightful email after their salon visit, thanking them for their visit and attaching their personalised aftercare video. It's the perfect surprise in their inbox!

  3. Social Media Teasers: Share short snippets of your aftercare videos on social media platforms to create curiosity and excitement among your followers and showcase that your salon stands out from everyone else in your local area.

  4. Website Announcement: Create a dedicated page on your salon website that showcases the magic of aftercare videos. Let clients know what to expect and how it benefits them.


Personalised aftercare videos are the heartwarming touch that makes your salon truly special. Strengthen the client-stylist relationship, boost loyalty, and show your clients some love with expert aftercare advice they'll treasure. The magic of personalised connections will keep them coming back for more fabulous salon experiences!

Join Samuel Chapman's Salon Business Breakthrough for more expert tips and tricks on creating heartwarming connections through personalised aftercare videos.

Book your FREE 1-1 Call to Success today and let's create the salon business you've always dreamed of!