My Mission Is Simple:

I believe that every product based business can flourish and grow, no matter the challenges. Regardless what you sell, or whether you have a physical or online location.

With the right knowledge, tools, and a bit of inspiration, you can achieve amazing results.



Most would describe me as a business owner and dog dad. But in reality, I am so much more than that... And so are you.

If you are a product based business owner that has a business you believe in but you struggle to make the sales you want, then chances are you are probably going to relate to this.

Back in 2015 I had launched my first business which was a hair salon. I had clients, I had a beautiful new space that I had to beg and borrow to afford to put together and then... Nothing. No-one was coming through the doors. So I started to try everything I could, and I mean EVERYTHING from discounts to deals to flyering and social media ads and I was getting so discouraged thinking 'Why have I done this?', 'Was it really the right decision to move away from the safety net of employment to become my own boss?'

I had spent all this time and effort and nobody was seeing it.


Until One Day

Up popped a business coach on instagram (who was clearly better at targeted ads than I was at the time). I took a look at what he was offering and thought I would give him a try.

And wow, he broke down my entire business model and then built it back up, giving me clear systems and strategies and showed me what it meant to truly understand my customers and what they really wanted when they came to spend their money with me, and what I mean by this is how they wanted to feel.

You see, most people buy on emotion and justify with logic

So you need to connect with your future potential customers on an emotional level and back it up with so much value that when their logical mind kicks in it only works to solidify their thoughts and want to buy from you. 

With this in mind, I was now finally talking to my customers needs and making sure that everything I did was targeted to helping them. It was like a magic switch had suddenly turned on. After spending the first 2 years of my business struggling to make ends meet, I was now finally seeing customers so I was able to employ more staff, and take on more product ranges to include a coffee shop as well as include lifestyle items and include a highly visited website to sell our products online too (which went on to win awards!)

Armed with more confidence and more knowledge I set about putting in to action a plan that meant I would never feel as desperate as I did ever again, and that is how my Zenith Framework was born.

Today I live over 200 miles away from my shop only visiting semi-frequently to catch up with the team and ensure everyone is doing well. I am able to live my life on my own terms and now I'm on a mission to show product based business owners it is possible and that you can do it too! 


To Your Inevitable Success, 

- Sam

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