Are you ready to FINALLY build the business you've been dreaming of from the start?


If you're like most small business owners I work with, chances are you LOVE creating and curating your products and you LOVE the happiness and joy your customers share with you…

But your having thoughts of...

"How do I get my products in front of MORE people?", "How do I get MORE people to actually buy?", "How do I get customers to come back and buy MORE often?" 

The truth is... If you want to build your dream business and get your products in the hands of MORE people and change THEIR lives and prove to yourself that you CAN do it, too...

Then it’s a matter of building a REAL business by learning how to market your products, promote your products and SELL your products to get your products in the hands of more people.

And that's EXACTLY what you learn inside 5X YOUR SALES IN 90 DAYS.

Register now to be FIRST notified when I open the doors to 5X YOUR SALES IN 90 DAYS, where you'll learn The 4 Essential Ways that any successful product businesses are using to:

Get More Customers to Notice You

Get Those Customers to Buy

Get Those Customers to Spend More When They Buy 


Get Them to Come Back & Shop More Often... 

So that you can build the successful business you've been dreaming of from the start.



I'm Samuel Chapman


My Mission Is Simple:

I believe that every product based business can flourish and grow, no matter the challenges. Regardless what you sell, or whether you have a physical or online location.


With the right knowledge, tools, and a bit of inspiration, you can achieve amazing results.


In my 20 years working in and owning small businesses, I have:

  • Hosted The Abundant Business Podcast - A podcast specially designed for product based business owners that helps you with direct strategies, tools and advice to help you double your sales and work less hours in your product business. 
  • Worked with some of the worlds top business and marketing experts that helped me to scale and sell multiple small businesses
  • Consulted with many small businesses and helped them to tailor their marketing, grow their customer base and achieve their most profitable sales months. 


... so when it comes to running a product business, I have been where you are and I get it 


That's why I want to help you save YEARS of wasted time, effort and money to avoid the mistakes that SO many product businesses are making over and over again. 


Now, you can take ALL of the lessons I have learned and use it to grow YOUR business in the most sustainable way, giving you the profits that you deserve.  

When 5X YOUR SALES IN 90 DAYS opens,

the spaces will be limited!

5X Your Sales in 90 Days isn't for everyone. This program is for the dedicated, committed, devoted product business owner who is READY to make a change to grow their business to new levels and change their life. 

If and ONLY if that is what you are ready for, join the priority notification list today.

There will also be 3 (yes, 3) ABSOLUTELY FREE Masterclasses and extra surprises along the way...